September 30, 2009

Thank you for your support!

Thank You For Your Support! DONATE TODAY!

Christian Knight Comics is currently accepting donations of any amount to our company. 

PLEASE NOTE: We are NOT a non-profit organization but if you feel the need to donate any amount to Christian Knight Comics, we really appreciate it.

To make a donation of any amount you want or for more information go to:

We are, in essence, a company with a mission to provide readers and fans comics, posters and other collectible material. With our staff and publishing continuing to grow and the economy on a slow rebound to recovery, we ask that you take the time to show your support of our company and the models featured on our site.

By clicking the "Donate" button, you can enter any amount of financial contribution that will help keep Christian Knight Comics and Christian Knight online, continue publishing comics featuring the world's greatest Christian superheroes, and, also, help to support our artists, writers, editors and assistants.

As a way to show our appreciation to you, we will send you a FREE gift featuring your favorite character because of your contribution and contact you concerning it.
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email us at:
